In 1984 I first tried out a new method in treating cancer, with very promising results in a Dachshund. The dog had mammary cancer (multiple tumours along the nipple line) and had begun to develop dyspnoea - it probably had several lung metastases. I treated LV03 (see rationale below) and in a few weeks the tumours had disappeared almost completely. The dog died several years later from a kidney deficiency. Since then, I have treated about 500-600 patients with all kinds of cancer. Due to the possibility to make an exact Channel Diagnosis, as required according to the method described in this article, the results were very good in mammary cancer. For the same reason, the results also were very good in melanosarcoma. Results in lymphosarcoma and brain cancer were good, but not as good as in mammary cancer and melanosarcoma. However, my results in liver cancer were not good; the healing rate was zero in the few liver cancers that I have treated.
At a seminar in December, 2002, I was approached by Sergio Manzetti, research assistant from the Prostate Cancer group, at the Institute of cellular and molecular biology - the University of Oslo, who showed interest in my results. Through his review of current literature, he organised a meeting with Dr. Med. Ottestad, Chief Medical Officer of the mammary cancer department at the Radium Hospital of Norway. Unfortunately, in spite of the very good overall results, because of time constraints, the details in my case-notes were not of a sufficient at that time. Therefore, Dr. Ottestad urged me to document an unbroken sequence of cases during a certain time-span, and then report the results back to him.
This I now have done; my claims of clinical success were taken from my notes only, and the statistics were compiled in a simple manner. Please note that the results of the series in this paper were better than those of my previous cases. I told Dr. Ottestad that the overall success rate over the years was circa 70% but that the results in the series reported here were even better; 80% had total disappearance or significant regression of the cancer, and the remaining 20% of cancers showed no further progression.
Current conventional treatment of cancer relies mainly on radical surgery, cytotoxic chemotherapy, radiation therapy and attempts to boost immune function by chemical immunostimulation, administering biotechnologically produced specific antibodies, or purified interferon, etc. Research on gene-based therapy is in the early stages. Many of these treatments induce severe adverse effects in the patient, and some of these effects can compromise normal organic function, and lead directly to the death of the patient. For example, some patients given cytotoxic chemotherapy develop myocardial hepatic or kidney lesions that can seriously compromise their lives.
Over the past 9 years, I have developed an acupuncture protocol to treat cancer-patients, animal and human. Properly used by people trained in the basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), this protocol has few if any adverse effects. It is based on the following principles:
The normal biological activity of bodily cells is to grow and multiply in an orderly, controlled way. For many animals and plants this process continues throughout life. It is only in the case of highly developed animals that growth and cell division stop at a certain age. It is likewise in these species that cancer becomes a "normal" illness.
Holistic clinicians evaluate the Controlling Processes (CPs) - those that control, or limit, the growth and life span of cancerous cells - to be totally normal and essential for health. If growth processes continue throughout life in a controlled way, cancer (uncontrolled processes) occurs to a much smaller degree. The CPs begin to play a more active role when growth is about to stop. They impede further physical development. The higher up the evolutionary tree a species is, the more important normal functioning of these CPs becomes; their importance is maximal in mammals. If the function of the CPs fails, growth processes regain dominance; the cells survive past their normal time to die and cancerous tumours arise.
Many reasons explain functional failure of the CPs. Constant wear-and-tear, and attempts to adapt to day-to-day changes in external and internal environment, stress the CPs of all cellular and bodily functions constantly. In addition to the (External) Stressors and stimuli that adversely influence living organisms, the stressors include shock, strain on the psyche, bombardment with unwanted sounds, visual impressions, additives and electromagnetic influences (high voltage cables, geopathic stress, etc). These stressors can lead to strain on, or loss of dominance of, the CPs, and especially normal functioning of the immune system.
The aim of effective cancer therapy and prevention must be to help the patient to maintain the dominance of, or restore the lost function of, the CPs, especially of the immune system. By preventing or limiting immunomediated diseases, including autoimmune diseases and cancer, the immune system is critical for good health. Many methods, from meditation to more or less vegetarian diets, have been developed to re-establish the essential functions of the CPs. But in my experience the most effective of all is to use the Ko Cycle, the bodys own Processes to restore control.
Thus, the primary aim, the most important function, of holistic medicine is to stimulate the body's CPs. The idea is to "bring control" to cellular growth processes; otherwise they become uncontrolled, which is the basic problem with cancerous cells. If we stimulate the wrong Processes, in this case the Growth Process, we may aggravate the disorder by stimulating tumour growth. In my experience, working via the Ko Cycle (Controlling) Cycle is the best way to stimulate the bodys CPs.
Written before 200 BC, the Yellow Emperors Internal Medicine Classic (Huangdi Neijing), was and still is the basic text for practitioners of TCM. It described the fundamental theories of Change, Yin-Yang, Five Elements, Qi-Xue (Energy and Blood), Jing-Luo-Mai (Channel, Collateral and Extraordinary Vessel) relationships, Channel-Organ relationships, External and Internal Pathogenic Factors, the interaction of the body-mind-spirit, etc.
Huangdi Neijing teaches that each of the 12 Channels supports another Channel (nourishes its Son Channel) and controls a different Channel (Governs its Grandson Channel). Likewise, each Channel is nourished by its Mother Channel and controlled by its Grandfather Channel. Thus, each Channel has Generative (Sheng) and Control (Ko) functions on its related elements, as follows:
Sheng (Generative) Cycle* | Liver & Gall Bladder | >> | Heart & Small Intestine; Triple Heater & Pericardium | >> | Spleen & Stomach | >> | Lung & Large Intestine | >> | Kidney & Bladder | >> | Liver & Gall bladder |
Ko (Controlling) Cycle** | Liver & Gall bladder | X | Spleen & Stomach | X | Kidney & Bladder | X | Heart & Small Intestine; Triple Heater & Pericardium | X | Lung & Large Intestine | X | Liver & Gall bladder |
* Where >>=Generates, Nourishes, or Engenders
** Where X=Controls (brings control to), Governs or Prevents Unruliness
My protocol in cancer therapy uses the Ko Cycle only. Furthermore, I use only the Yin Channel that Brings Control to the affected organ, whether the cancerous organ (or its related parts) is Yin or Yang. In the Ko Cycle, the Yin-Yang Organ Pairs related to the Elements are:
Thus, for example, I use:
LV Channel to control cancer of the Spleen (or Stomach, its Yang partner), or of tissues along the course of their Channels, for example, cancer of the lower medial tibia (where SP Channel passes) or mammary cancer (ST Channel passes through the nipple);
SP Channel to control cancer of the Kidney (or Bladder, its Yang partner), or of the adrenal gland, ovary, oviduct, uterus, cervix, vagina, testicle, spermatic ducts, seminal vesicle, prostate, penis. All those cancers relate directly to KI. SP Channel is used also for cancer of the tissues along the course of the BL and KI Channels, for example, cancer of the sacrum.
I adhere to the classical Ko (Controlling) Relationships in most cases but I change my protocol if clinical improvement does not occur within two weeks.
Cancer treatment in practice
First, one must make an exact Channel Diagnosis by a simple observation of where the tumour has arisen. Let us take mammary cancer as an example. It manifests on ST Channel. We must then stimulate LV, the Ko Controlling Channel of ST. For this, we may use:
Either one of the Command Points of the LV Channel
A liver-supporting diet
Liver-supporting herbs
Or a mixture of the factors mentioned
It is most important to stimulate only the Ko (Controlling) Grandfather Channel, not the Ko (Controlling) Point of ST itself. During the period of treatment, we should stimulate no other Channel or Process. However, we may combine other therapies that stimulate LV.
To bring most cancers under control usually takes 1-3 acupuncture sessions, at inter-session intervals of circa 4 weeks, range but treatment of very severe cancers may continue for 1-2 years.
With this protocol I use only acupuncture to treat most types of cancer. Mammary cancer is an exception; in that case I usually administer some helping herbs or diets. This is because the controlling action of the liver is critical to control mammary cancer, and if the diet is very wrong, the liver will not function properly. However, if my patients are receiving medication(s) prescribed by their primary medical doctors or oncologists, I ask them to continue with that.
Recent notes from my casebook
The 15 cases described below were from an unbroken sequential series, selected from my casebook by date of presentation between April 22nd 2003 and August 17th 2003; they were not "cherry-picked" to show the best outcomes. Also patients treated before April 22nd 2002 that came in for follow-up from treatment or further examination were included. This report includes ALL cancer-cases seen or treated within that time window.
Table 1 summarises my treatment protocols and their interim outcomes in 15 patients with confirmed cancer.
Table 1: Summary of my treatment protocols and their interim outcomes
# | Cancer type Progression |
Patient & treatment sessions | Acupoint(s) used and comments | Rationale for the selection of the specific Acupoint(s) |
1. | Seminoma. The left testis was 7.5 cm in diameter | Male dog, Golden retriever, 15 years old. | LU11 & PC09 | Selection from Pulse-Diagnosis. |
At session 2. the testis had reduced to 6.5 cm. | Session 1: 17 June Session 2: 19 August. |
LU11 PC09 |
2. | Cervical cancer: diagnosed in 2002 | Woman, 45 years old | TH02 | This was used successfully in other cases for many years, and the rationale was pure intuition |
After monthly sessions from 30. July 2002 to 16. July 2003 the cancer was completely disappeared | Session 1: 30 July 2002 Session 2-12: monthly Last session: 16 July |
TH02 TH02 TH02 |
3. | Malignant mammary
carcinoma The carcinoma was ca. 1cm in diameter |
Woman, 60 years | LV03 | ST Channel passes through nipple; LV Controls ST. |
26. August. The cancer was "slightly reduced" according to her doctor. | Session 1: 18 June Session 2: 14 July Session 3: 26 August |
LV03 LV03 LV03 |
4. | Carcinoma of the epithelium, with metastases to several areas. | Male dog, Riesen Schnauser, 9 years old. | HT09 | The cancer was situated on the LU-meridian, and HT controls the lung. |
No change in the situation since the treatment was started | Session 1: 15 July Session 2: 15 August |
HT09 HT09 |
5. | Osteosarcoma, 12x12 cm. | Dog, German Shepherd, 8 years old. | LU11 | The cancer was situated on the GB-meridian, and Lung controls the GB. |
Session 1: 22. July Session 2:19 August. The cancer is still 12x12 cm. No change. |
LU11 LU11 |
6. | Lymphosarcoma: with multiple tumours 1.2cm and 2.9 x 3.3cm; 3.7 x 4.3cm and 3.2 x 3.4cm; 2.5 x 4.5cm and 2.5 x 2.5cm. 2.9 x 3.0cm. 3.2 x 3.8cm and 3.3 x 2.7cm | horse, Swedish warm blood, born 1997 | SI03+BL62, GV01 | |
June 29 after 6 sessions: Tumours were reduced in size by circa 40% | Session 1: 7 April Session 2-6: weekly |
SI03+BL62, GV01 SI03+BL62, GV01 SI03+BL62, GV01 SI03+BL62, GV01 |
The first tumour appeared on the ventral midline (CV); therefore I treated the opposite midline (GV); For cancer on GV, treat, CV; for cancer on CV, treat GV; SI03+BL62 are classical points to treat GV. | |
7. | Mammary tumour: 10mm x 8mm | Kiri (bitch, Chihuahua, born 1999) | ||
The tumours had stopped growing. No further tumour development. The front left lump had reduced from 1 cm to 0.9 cm. | Session 1: 22 April Session 2: 20 May
LV03 bilateral | ST Channel passes through nipple; LV Controls ST. | |
8. | Mammary cancer: aggressive | Woman, 42 years | LV03 | ST Channel passes through nipple; LV Controls ST. |
After the last session the cancer was completely gone | Session 1: 19 Nov 2002 Then monthly sessions until 25 June 2003: |
LV03 LV03 |
9. | Mammary tumour: diameter 1.1cm | bitch, English setter, born 1996 | LV03 | |
Tumour had regressed to
0.2cm after the 1. session. On the 3. session the cancer was almost impossible to detect. |
Session 1: 17 June 2003: Session 2: 18 July: Session 3: 15 August |
LV03 LV03 LV03 |
ST Channel passes through nipple; LV Controls ST. | |
10. | Mammary tumours: (two tumours; Diameter 1.4cm and 1.1cm) | bitch English setter, born 1998 | LV03 | ST Channel passes through nipple; LV Controls ST. |
Both tumours had
regressed to 0.3-0.2cm On the 3. session the cancer was almost impossible to detect. |
Session 1: 17 June 2003 Session 2: 18 July Session 3: 15 August |
LV03 LV03 LV03 |
11. | Osteosarcoma: 11cm2 (confirmed by biopsy) | dog, born 1994 | HT09 left | The cancer was on LU Channel, and as HT controls LU, I used HT09. |
After session 5, no cancer was found; there was only a piece of dry skin left at the spot. | Session 1: November 2002 Monthly treatments until 29. April 2003. |
HT09 HT09 HT09 .. |
12. | Perianal cancers: multiple | dog, Chihuahua, born 1999 | ||
After the first treatments the cancer stopped growing. The defecation was eased, and it has stayed like this since Feb 2002 | Session 1: February 2002 Monthly sessions, still going on. |
CV23 | The tumour appeared on the dorsal midline (GV); therefore I treated the opposite midline (CV). | |
13. | Peritoneal-tumours (abdominal with multiple metastases): Abdominal circumference was 67cm diagnosed with x-ray. | dog, born 1989 | ||
After session 3 the Dog was much better and defecation was now possible; abdominal circumference was 60cm; as I have no x-ray, I cannot comment on the tumour volume but the dog was much happier and active and glad. | Session 1: April 2003 Session 2: April 29 Session 3: 11 June Session 4: 17 July |
SP06, left SP06, left KI02, left KI02, left |
Pulse-Diagnosis | |
14. | Prostate cancer: with multiple skeletal metastases | Man, 60 years | HT09 | Pulse-Diagnosis |
After the May-session the doctor told him that the cancer had gone dormant and had regressed; PSA was only 48 units [which is good, subnormal); he has had no other treatment | Session 1: Autumn 2002 Monthly sessions after that. May 2003 August 2003 |
HT09 HT09 HT09 HT09 . |
Pulse-Diagnosis | |
15. | Lymphatic leukaemia | Man, 60 years | SI18 & LU01 | Pulse-Diagnosis |
After the treatment started there has been no change in the blood-values | Session 1: 18 June 2003 Session 2: 17 July Session 3: 18 August |
SI18 & LU01 SI18 & LU01 SI18 & LU01 |
Table 2: Summary of my treatment protocols and their interim outcomes
Clinical outcome [interim] | Number of Cases |
% of cases |
Humans | 5 |
33 |
Dogs | 9 |
60 |
Horses | 1 |
6 |
Benign tumours | 7 |
46 |
Malignant tumours | 8 |
53 |
Not performed cytology of suspected benign tumours | 5 |
33 |
Not performed cytology of suspected malignant tumours | 1 |
6 |
Performed cytology of total cases | 9 |
60 |
Total disappearance of visible tumours in total cases | 3 |
20 |
Total disappearance of visible benign tumours | 0 |
0 |
Total disappearance of malignant tumours | 3 |
20 |
Reduction of size of benign tumours | 6 |
40 |
Reduction of size of malignant tumours | 2 |
13 |
No further development of benign tumours (standstill) | 1 |
6 |
No further development of malignant tumours (standstill) | 3 |
20 |
Death, detectable cancer progression, or marked clinical deterioration | 0 |
0 |
I encourage medical and veterinary clinicians, and experienced acupuncture therapists, to try my methods in cancer therapy. My clinical experience of the methods over the last 10 years has convinced me that they can very significantly improve the general health and well-being of 90% of cancer-patients (human and animal), and increase the survival rates by 70%.
I am willing to discuss the cases with you before you select your points for treatment, and if you need further discussion in preparation for later sessions. I also encourage you to report back to me when you have outcome data on at least 10 cases. If enough clinicians cooperate in a multi-centre clinical trial, we could have a very substantial body of cases to prepare a multi-authored clinical report within 1-2 years.
You may email me at:
I thank Phil Rogers MRCVS, Dublin, Ireland, for his criticism and editorial help in the drafting of this article.