This article describes an effective treatment of Equine Sarcoid, used by the author for more that 12 years on 16 cases. The results in 15 of these cases were good; the Sarcoid disappeared within 6 weeks, never to return. The treatment consists of stimulation of one single acupuncture point, repeated 3 times. This protocol, also used in other types of cancer, has been developed by the author during the last 24 years. It has been used with good results in more than 600 cases of cancer.
In 1984 I first tried out a new method in treating cancer, with very promising results in a Dachshund (Thoresen 2002). The dog had mammary cancer (multiple tumours along the nipple line) and had begun to develop dyspnoea; it probably had several lung metastases. I treated LV03 (see rationale below), and in a few weeks the tumours had disappeared almost completely. The dog died several years later from a kidney deficiency.
Also, in 1995 I treated the first horse with Equine Sarcoid (a cancer syndrome in horses, usually incurable) with good results; the cancer disappeared completely within 6 weeks. The case was published in the Journal of the Norwegian Veterinary Society - "Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift" - (Thoresen 1995).
Since 1984, I have treated 16 horses with Equine Sarcoid. due to the possibility to make an exact Channel diagnosis (on which acupuncture Channel the cancer is situated), as required according to the method described in this article,. The results were very good; in 15 out of 16 horses, the sarcoma had disappeared within 6 weeks.
Several body functions, especially those of growth and cell death, are controlled by "feed-back-mechanisms".
Current conventional treatment of cancer relies mainly on radical surgery, cytotoxic chemotherapy, radiation treatment and attempts to boost immune function by chemical immunostimulation, administering biotechnologically produced specific antibodies, or purified interferon, etc. Research on gene-based therapy is in the early stages. Many of these treatments induce severe adverse effects in the patient, and some of these effects can compromise normal organic function, and lead directly to the death of the patient. For example, some patients given cytotoxic chemotherapy may develop myocardial, hepatic or kidney lesions that can seriously compromise their lives.
Therefore, in this article, I will argue that it is possible to treat Equine Sarcoid by stimulating the adequate control mechanisms, and by such control the cancer with the sole use of acupuncture.
The potential of acupuncture in affecting the immunological system has been shown (Rogers et al, 1992, Kim et al, 2002). These studies report substantial increases of T-lymphocyte proliferation, increase in NK-cell activity, activation of the complementary system, heat-stable mitogenic humoral factors and increase in OKT4 cells. The proofs of effect from acupuncture at the physiological and biochemical level have been very convincing. For that reason, acupuncture has been combined with chemotherapy in cancer treatment trials (Shen & Glapsy, 2001).
Material and methods
Over the past 21 years, I have developed an acupuncture protocol to treat cancer-patients, animal and human. My acupuncture protocol in cancer therapy uses the Controlling Functions of the Ko Cycle of the Five Phases, in which the Grandmother Phase controls the Grandson Phase.
Thus, for example, I use:
LV-Channel to control cancer of the spleen or stomach. Also of tissues along the course of these Channels, for example cancer of the lower medial tibia (where the SP-Channel passes), or mammary cancer (ST-Channel passes through the nipple).
SP-Channel to control cancer of the kidney or bladder. Also of the adrenal gland, ovary, oviduct, uterus, cervix, vagina, testicle, spermatic ducts, seminal vesicle, prostate, penis (all directly related to the kidney), or cancer of the tissues along the course of these Channels, for example cancer close to the sacrum.
Treatment of Equine Sarcoid in practice
One must make an exact Channel Diagnosis by a simple observation of where the tumour has arisen in relation to the acupuncture Channels.
To bring most cancers under control usually takes 1-3 acupuncture sessions, at inter-session intervals of 3 weeks.
The 16 cases of Equine Sarcoid I have treated, responded very well; 15 of the 16 cases were cured totally within 6 weeks, and usually the Sarcoid had disappeared, leaving just scar tissue where it originally had flourished.
An example
The following photographs, taken from my last patient, show the typical response to acupuncture using the principles of the Ko-Controlling Cycle in my patients.
Vilja is a Norwegian cold blooded 6 year-old horse. The sarcoid started on the medial side of its back leg, just at the Kidney Channel. The Sarcoid looked like this at the first visit:
In the Ko cycle, the Heart Channel controls the Kidney Channel. Therefore, I put one needle at HT09, a point at the coronary band at the left front leg. After 3 weeks, the Sarcoid looked like this:
After the second treatment (3 weeks after the first treatment) it looked like this:
And after 5 weeks, like this:
When I saw the horse on the third treatment (6 weeks after the first treatment), the sarcoid had disappeared, leaving only a scar.
As known in western medicine and science, cancer is an uncontrolled state, in which the cell cycle has lost control and shows continuous progression forming an independent unit, or a tumour (Sherr, 2000-2001). Specifically, causes for this include lack of control at the genetic level, proteomic- or cellular level. Each of these levels finds examples in the literature; at the genetic level mutations in the p53 promoter yield deficient expression of the p53 product thereby leading to uncontrolled transition between the G and S - phases (Miller & Koeffler, 1993). At the proteomic level, mutations in the p53 gene yield a deficient protein which binds inefficiently to the suppressor and cannot manage to “silence” the S - phase of the cell (Yang et al, 2000). Recent evidence suggests also that cancer is inducible at the cellular level, through oncoviruses, such as the Human T-cell Leukaemia/Lymphotropic virus type 1 (Johnson et al, 2001).
From the summary of my clinical results it is impossible to make any solid claims because there are too few patients (only 15). However, the follow-up period is substantial (over 15 years). Also, the results are so astonishing and unexpected that they must not go unobserved by the medical community. The overall results indicate that it might be worth trying the described method, and that it needs further investigation.
1. Johnson JM, Harrod R, Franchini G.(2001). Molecular biology and pathogenesis of the human T-cell leukaemia/lymphotropic virus Type-1 (HTLV-1). Int J Exp Pathol. 82: 135-47.
2. Kim KJ, Lee MW, Choi JH, Sung KJ, Moon KC, Koh JK. (2002). Abstract CD30-positive T-cell-rich pseudolymphoma induced by gold acupuncture. Br J Dermatol. 146: 882-4.
3. Miller C, Koeffler HP.(1993).P53 mutations in human cancer. Leukaemia. 1993 Suppl 2: S18-21.
4. Rogers PA, Schoen AM, Limehouse J. (1992). Acupuncture for immune-mediated disorders. Literature review and clinical applications. Probl. Vet. Med. 4:162-93
5. Shen J, Glaspy J. (2001). Acupuncture: evidence and implications for cancer supportive care. Cancer Pract. 9:147-50Tagliaferri M, Cohen I, Tripathy D. (2001). Complementary and alternative medicine in early-stage breast cancer. Semin. Oncol. 28:121-34.
6. Sherr CJ. (2000-2001). Cell cycle control and cancer. Harvey Lect. 96:73-92.
7. Thoresen A., Akupunkturbehandling av Equint Sarcoid, Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift, 1995 107, 10
8. Thoresen A, Veterinærmedisin, Komplementære og Alternative metoder, pp.442-445, ISBN 82-994172-4-4, 621 pages. (English edition; ISBN 82-994172-2-8, pages 358-363).
9. Yang Q, Wesch H, Mueller KM, Bartsch H, Wegener K, Hollstein M. (2000). Analysis of radon-associated squamous cell carcinomas of the lung for a p53 gene hotspot mutation. Br J Cancer. 82: 763-6.