gold standard in testing scientific theory requires multiple independent
tests. This
standard is applied to basic acupuncture research. This article reviews the key
results of basic acupuncture research which meet the gold standard and discusses
their implications.
search and review of
publications in medline and Chinese medical literature databases are combined
with discussion with many experts to
identify and analyze the models in basic acupuncture research which have
predictions. These predictions are further checked for independent confirmation
by multiple
research groups.
literature screen identified more than 400 related articles. Further analysis
and discussion showed that the growth control model
the only published model in basic acupuncture research which has met the gold
standard. It
encompasses the neurophysiology model and suggests that a macroscopic growth
control system originates from a network of organizers in embryogenesis. The
activity of the growth control system is important in the formation, maintenance
and regulation of all the physiological systems. Several phenomena of
acupuncture such as the distribution of auricular acupuncture points, the long
term effects of acupuncture and the effect of multimodal nonspecific stimulation
at acupuncture points are consistent with the growth control model. The
following predictions of the growth control model have been independently
confirmed by research results in both acupuncture and conventional biomedical
sciences: 1. Acupuncture has extensive growth control effects. 2. Singular point and separatrix exist
in morphogenesis. 3. Organizers have high electric conductance, high current
density and high density of gap junctions.
acupuncture research suggests a convergence of the neurophysiology model, the
connective tissue model and the growth control model. The growth control model
of acupuncture set the first example of a biological model in integrative
medicine with significant prediction power across multiple disciplines. Basic
acupuncture research has met the gold standard of science with multiple
independently confirmed predictions.
According to
the World Health Organization (WHO), a broad definition of acupuncture is the
stimulation of certain points on the body (acupuncture points) using needling,
moxibustion, electricity, laser, or acupressure for therapeutic purposes.[1] The Standard Acupuncture
Nomenclature published by the WHO listed about 400 acupuncture points and 20
meridians connecting most of the points. [2] Results from randomized controlled
trials (RCTs) have shown that acupuncture is effective in treating dozens of
such as osteoarthritis[3],[4],[5], pelvic and back pain[6],
neck pain,[7]
migraine and tension headache,[8],[9] nausea/vomiting,[10] and inflammatory bowel disease.[11]
results widely exist in acupuncture research[12] for various reasons.
Many neurohumoral,[13],[14],[15],[16] mechanical[17] and growth control effects of
acupuncture[18] have been observed. Several models
of acupuncture mechanism have been proposed. The
focus of this article is on the biological
models of acupuncture which can meet the gold standard of science with multiple
independently confirmed predictions.
observations from acupuncture research
In the
mid-70s, the discovery of endorphin induction in acupuncture analgesia and its
blockade by naloxone was instrumental in establishing the validity of
acupuncture in modern science.[19],[20]
In acupuncture analgesia, the peripheral nervous system has been shown to be
crucial in mediating the effect. The analgesia can be abolished if the
acupuncture site is affected by postherpetic neuralgia[21]
or injection of local anesthetics[22].
Different frequencies of electric stimulation in electroacupuncture lead to
release of different neuropeptides.13
Electroacupuncture has been shown to release nociceptin and inhibit the
reflex-induced increases in blood pressure,16
and increased the synthesis of nitric oxide in mediating the protective effect
on gastric mucosa.[23]
Since the
1950s, it has been discovered and confirmed with refined techniques14 that many acupuncture
points and meridians have high electrical conductance[24],[25],[26] though the results are sometimes
High electric conductance of acupuncture points have been successfully used for
locating acupuncture points in acupuncture therapy.[28]
The high electric conductance at acupuncture points is further supported by
preliminary finding of high density of gap junctions at the epithelia of the
acupuncture points.[29],[30],[31],[32] Gap junctions are hexagonal
protein complexes that form channels between adjacent cells. It is well
established in cell biology that gap junctions facilitate intercellular
communication and increase electric conductance. High concentrations of nitric
oxide and nitric oxide synthase have also been observed at acupuncture points
and meridians.[33]
biological models of acupuncture
In the
1970's, the relation between the nervous system and acupuncture alteration of
visceral function was explored by examining the cortical evoked potentials,
single unit discharges and neurochemistry associated with acupuncture. These
studies brought forth the Meridian-Cortex-Viscera correlation hypothesis which states that: 1. The meridian system
is an independent system connected via the nervous system to the cerebral
cortex. 2. It acts through neurohumoral mechanisms.[34] A contending model claimed that the
meridian system as described in the classic acupuncture literature does not
exist and that all the effects of acupuncture are mediated through nervous
Another hypothesis suggested that the
network of acupuncture points and meridians is a signal transduction network
formed by interstitial connective tissue. Mapping of acupuncture points on human
arm showed an 80% correspondence between the sites of acupuncture points and the
location of intermuscular or intramuscular connective tissue planes in
postmortem tissue sections.[37]
biological models of acupuncture are confronted with the following puzzling
distribution of acupuncture points: The distribution of acupuncture points is
different from the distribution of nerves, blood vessels, lymphatics or
connective tissue. For example, an auricle has no important nerves or blood
vessels or lymphatics or complex connective tissue planes and no significant
physiological function other than sound collection. While the vagus nerve has an
auricular branch, this branch has no known important function in modern
neuroscience. A search of Medline did not yield any article on the function of
the auricular branch of vagus nerve in the past 50 years. The auricle
nevertheless has the highest density of acupuncture points. According to the
WHO, 43 auricular points have proven therapeutic value,2
which consist of more than 10% of the acupuncture points of the entire human
body. Numerous
RCTs have demonstrated the efficacy of auricular acupuncture[38],[39],[40],[41],[42],[43]
while some results are mixed.12
non-specific activation of acupuncture points: Therapeutic effect of acupuncture
has been achieved by a variety of stimuli10,1
including needling, injection of nonspecific chemicals, electricity, temperature
variation, laser, and pressure. No conventional nerve stimulation
technique has such diverse modalities of stimulation. Non-noxious stimuli such as non-thermal low
intensity laser irradiation, which does not cause local nerve excitation[44]
or collagen fiber reorganization at acupuncture points, can cause extensive
systemic effects[45] and stimulate local cellular
calcium oscillation,45
cell proliferation, release of basic fibroblast growth factor, interleukins as
well as other growth control effects.[46]
This suggests that another system other
than nervous system mediates the initial signal transduction in
acupuncture stimulation often causes long lasting effect over weeks or months.
For example, two RCTs9,8
have shown that the relief of migraine headache lasted 1 year after acupuncture
treatment – thousands of times longer than
the physiological half life of endorphin[47]
and other common neurotransmitters. Similar long-term benefits of acupuncture
have been shown by RCTs on the treatment of shoulder pain[48],
chronic low back pain,[49],[50] primary dysmenorrhea,[51]
cord injuries,42
urinary urgency41
This long lasting effect is almost non-existent in conventional therapy using
transient mild peripheral nerve stimulation. In conventional nerve stimulation,
long lasting effects require long
term stimulation
as observed in the effects of opioids, serotonin reuptake inhibitors, sacral
nerve stimulation[54],
and vagal nerve stimulation.[55]
The existence
of acupuncture points. i.e. why do stimuli at many acupuncture points cause
diverse systemic effects without obvious benefit of survival for normal animals?
For example, stimulation at acupuncture points PC6 and ST36 which are at the
extremities increases the gastric motility in dogs. [56]
This is contrary to the fight or flight response and seems to offer no survival
benefit to animals. What is the intrinsic function of acupuncture points? How
did these acupuncture points come into existence over the course of
science, models or hypotheses capable of successful prospective predictions are
considered more convincing than models solely based on retrospective
explanations or accommodations.[57],[58] The gold standard in testing a scientific theory is multiple
independent confirmations of its predictions. It is therefore important to assess
which theory in basic acupuncture research has met this gold standard. A literature research in PubMed with full
text (Medline) using keywords acupuncture AND (predict* OR corollary) identified
101 articles. Similar search strategy in Chinese medical/scientific
literature databases including http://www.wanfangdata.com.cn/,
identified over 300 articles. Further
review of the literature and discussion with more than a dozen experts in this
field narrowed down to two biological models[59],18
which have independently confirmed prediction(s):
The neurophysiology model on the long term effects of acupuncture59
suggests: 1. The trophic and anti-inflammatory effects of acupuncture are
important in mediating its long term effects. 2. Long term potentiation and long
term depression are likely involved in acupuncture signal transduction. Its
corollary on the peripheral anti-inflammatory effect of endorphin in acupuncture
has been confirmed.[60] The growth control model first published
in the 1980s[61]
correctly predicted multiple research results not only in acupuncture, but also
in conventional biomedical sciences. It also has shed light on the puzzling
observations mentioned above.[62],18 This model encompasses the neurophysiology of
and is supported by the research results on connective tissue at acupuncture
It is the only published model which has met the gold standard of the multiple
independent prospective tests.
The origin and function of acupuncture
is well known that all the physiological systems, including nervous system, are
derived from a system of embryogenesis - a growth control system.[63]
[Figure 1] In growth control, the fate of a larger region is frequently
controlled by a small group of cells, which is termed an organizing center or
organizer.[64] A gradient of messenger molecules
called morphogens forms around organizers. Organizers have highest (sources) or
lowest (sinks) local concentration of morphogens64,[65]
and therefore are macroscopic singular points of morphogen gradient field. A
singular point is a point of discontinuity. It indicates abrupt transition from
one state to another. Small, nonspecific perturbations around singular points -
organizers can have important systemic effect.[66],[67] Several lines of evidence suggests
that the bioelectric field interacts with morphogens and growth factors, and
guides morphogenesis.[68],[69]
The growth and migration of a variety of cells are sensitive to electric fields
of physiological strength.[70],[71]
Organizers and acupuncture points share several common features: Both commonly
distribute at the extreme points of surface curvature18,61,62
and are activated by non-specific stimuli.67,61
Both are associated with bioelectric field. 18
The growth control model
therefore suggested that acupuncture points originate from organizers.18,61
predictions on organizers and morphogens
Based on the
connection between acupuncture points and organizers, the growth control model
predicted that organizers have high electric conductance, high electric current
density and high density of gap junctions.18,61
These predictions on organizers have been independently confirmed: Organizers
such as blastopore and zone of polarizing activity have high electric
conductance, high current density[72]
and high density of gap junctions.[73],[74],[75],[76]
Multi-cellular organisms maintain regular form and function despite constant
replacement of cells, intra-cellular components and extracellular
matrix. Without growth control, this constant regeneration is prone to
structural disintegration and degeneration into various tumors. The growth
control model predicted that organizers and morphogens partially retain their
regulatory function after embryogenesis.18,61 This prediction has also been
independently confirmed: Morphogens such as retinoic acid, Wnt, bone morphogenetic protein and Hedgehog as well as
some organizers continue to exist and function in adult after embryogenesis.[77],[78],[79],[80],[81]
Confirmed predictions on
Growth control system as
foundation of pathophysiology
A growth control system originates from a network of
organizers.[97] In embryogenesis, the
development of organizers precedes the development of other physiological
systems.18,64 The formation, maintenance and regulation
of all the physiological systems are dependent on the activity of the growth
control system. Growth control is a primary function of all multi-cellular
organisms. The evolutionary origin of the growth control system likely preceded
all the other physiological systems. Its genetic blueprint served as a template
from which the newer systems evolved. Consequently, it overlaps and interacts
with other systems but is not merely part of the nervous system, immune system
or circulatory system. The growth control signal transduction is embedded in the
activity of the function-based physiological systems: The regulation of many
neural, circulatory, immune processes and related disorders are mediated through
growth control mechanisms such as hypertrophy, hyperplasia, atrophy, apoptosis
with shared messenger molecules
including morphogens[98],[99],77,81 and common signal transduction
pathways involving growth control genes such as proto-oncogenes.[100],[101],[102]
The nonspecific stimulation and
the long term effects of acupuncture
Based on the growth control model, acupuncture points and
organizers are singular points and therefore prone to nonspecific perturbation.
The long lasting systemic effects of acupuncture can be achieved by nonspecific
stimuli as mentioned above. Similarly, long lasting growth control activities of
organizers have been induced by various stimuli such as mechanical injury and
injection of nonspecific chemicals.67 Based on the growth control model,
acupuncture effect is a byproduct of the growth control network. Stimulating
organizers – acupuncture points can not only cause transient modulation of
neurotransmission, but also alter the growth control signal transduction in
various systems - leading to long term effects.18
The distribution of acupuncture
points and organizers
Organizers are at the extreme points of curvature on the
body surface such as the locally most convex points (e.g., apical ectodermal
ridge and other growth tips) or concave or saddle points (e.g., zone of
polarizing activity). [103],18 Similarly, almost all the extreme points of
the body surface curvature are acupuncture points. For example, the convex
points include EX-UE11 Shixuan (finger tips) , EX-LE12 Qiduan (toe tips) , ST17
Ruzhong (tip of nipple) , ST42 Chongyang, (the convex, palpable point of arteria
dorsalis pedis) , GV25 Suliao (nose tip) ... The concave points include TE3
Zhongzhu (the concave point between the 4th and
5th metacarpal) , KI1 Yongquan (at the concave
point of the sole) , GB20 Fengchi (the concave point below occipital bone,
between upper ends of sternocleidomastoid and trapezius) , BL40 Weizhong
(midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa) , HT1 Jiquan (the
most concave point of axilla) , BL1 Jingming (at the concave point above medial
canthus) , CV8 Shenque (navel)... Based on growth control model, the extreme points of
surface curvature are associated with organizers – acupuncture points.
The auricle obviously has the most convoluted surface morphology of the
human body. Therefore it has the highest density of extreme points of surface
curvature and is expected to have the highest density of organizers -
acupuncture points. Auricle exemplifies the interconnection of growth control:
Auricular morphology is a sentinel of malformation in other organs.
Auricular malformation has been observed in numerous malformation
syndromes. It is recommended in a standard textbook of pediatrics that any
auricular anomaly should initiate a search for malformations in other parts of
the body.[104]
The growth control model suggests that the discontinuity or
abrupt transition in growth control not only exists at organizers but also along
boundaries. 18,61 The growth control boundaries or folds
between different structures are also called separatrices in mathematics and
often connect singular points - organizers. The model predicted
that growth control boundaries have high electric conductance and high density
of gap junctions – just as the meridians in acupuncture which likely originate
from growth control boundaries. These predictions have been confirmed: As
embryogenesis progresses, high density gap junctions become restricted at
discrete boundaries, leading to the subdivision of the embryo into communication
compartment domains. [105],[106] Increasing or
decreasing the gap junctions can cause various developmental defects[107] such as spina
bifida.[108] These high electric
conductance boundaries are likely major pathways of bioelectric currents.
Organizers are known to locate at boundaries between different structures.[109] The growth control
model suggests that meridians originate from separatrices – boundaries in growth
control and form an undifferentiated, 18,61 interconnected cellular network that
regulates growth and physiology. In consistence with the prediction of
under-differentiation of the meridian system and growth control system, it has
been observed that the most apical part of folds of embryo remain
undifferentiated in morphogenesis,[110] including organizers
such as apical ectodermal ridge.[111] As predicted by the
growth control model, singular point and separatrix have important roles in
morphogenesis.[112],[113] Growth control
boundaries/separatrices are similar to organizers in controlling growth and
pattern formation with morphogen gradient.[114] Many acupuncture
points are located at boundaries between different body domains or muscles,
coinciding with the connective tissue planes which connect adjacent body domains
or muscles.17,37,[115]
Current acupuncture research suggests a convergence of the
neurophysiology model, the connective tissue model and the growth control model.
The growth control model of acupuncture set the first example of a biological
model in integrative medicine with significant prediction power across multiple
disciplines. It is the first theory in basic acupuncture research which has met
the gold standard in testing scientific theory. The following predictions of the
growth control model have been independently confirmed by research results in
both acupuncture and conventional biomedical sciences: 1. Acupuncture has
extensive growth control effects. 2. Singular point and separatrix have
important roles in morphogenesis. 3. Organizers have high electric conductance,
high current density and high density of gap junctions.
Future directions
1. The structure and cell differentiation at acupuncture
points as well as the neurophysiology and growth control signal transduction
involved in different modalities of acupuncture should be further delineated.
2. Manipulating the singular points - organizers of the growth
control system may be a convenient way of activating intrinsic stem cells as
evident from the improvement of sperm quality after acupuncture.95,96
3. As the growth control model predicts the growth control
activity at acupuncture points/extreme points of surface (or interface)
curvature after embryogenesis, residual morphogen gradient may still exist at
these points and may be detectable by probing morphogen candidates such as
Hedgehog, Wnt and TGF-beta families. Certain morphogen gradient distributes
along boundaries.[116] This pattern may
persist after embryogenesis into adulthood and coincides with meridians.
4. Mapping of the growth control system and the dynamics of
its electromagnetic field with high resolution techniques such as the
superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) and atomic magnetometer[117]: The growth control
model predicts that the singular points and separatrices of the bioelectric
field in growth control correlate with the acupuncture points and meridians
5. The growth control model suggests that techniques involving
the stimulation of the growth control system such as acupuncture can activate
the growth control activity of an organism and improve its structure and
function at a more fundamental level than symptomatic relief.18 In growth control, the change in electric
field precedes morphologic change and
manipulation of the electric field can affect the change.70, [118] Development of
the techniques of detecting and manipulating the electric field may enable the
diagnosis and treatment of a pathologic process at the early signal transduction
stage prior to the anatomical or morphological change.
6. The growth control model suggests that apparently unrelated
acupuncture points are not exactly ‘placebo’ points. The more acupuncture points
are used as placebo points in a RCT, the more likely that some systemic effects
will be resulted from the ‘placebo’ treatment. The self-regulatory effect of
acupuncture will be difficult to predict when the patients have multiple
comorbidities and many acupuncture points are used. Subtle, ‘sham’ stimulation
at acupuncture points can be effective due to the response of the acupuncture
points to nonspecific stimuli. These reasons may contribute to the mixed results
in RCTs on acupuncture. This model also suggests that acupuncture is mostly
likely to demonstrate its efficacy and advantage in a patient population with
few comorbidities, relatively good general health and vitality and a regimen
with efficient use of acupoints.
7. The growth control model suggests that the distribution of
growth control system is related to both internal and external structures.
Acupuncture points which are not at obvious extreme points of surface curvature
or meridians which are not at obvious surface boundaries may be vestigial or
related to interface between internal structures such as muscles and bones.
Intrinsic stem cells are likely part of the undifferentiated growth control
network. The germ cell is one of the least differentiated cells and also a type
of stem cell – similar to the embryonic stem cell in its ability to
differentiate into all three germ layers. The distribution pattern of intrinsic
germ cells can be deduced based on the fact that the distribution pattern of
primary tumors reflects the distribution of their normal counterpart. The
primary germ cell tumors[119] have a midline and
para-axial distribution pattern which spans from the sacrococcygeal region to
pineal gland. It appears to concentrate at 7 locations: sacrococcygeal region,
gonads, retroperitoneum, thymus, thyroid,[120] suprasellar region, and pineal gland. This pattern
reflects the distribution pattern of intrinsic germ cells which are likely to be
highly inter-connected in a normal state (e.g. via gap junctions[121]) and provide
important regulatory functions.[122],56 This also suggests a hierarchy in the
degree of cell differentiation and function in the growth control system.
I thank
Steven K.H. Aung, Zang-Hee Cho, Yuenan Cui, Li
Dingzhong, Maria do Desterro
Leiros,Michael Levin, Vitaly Napadow, Richard
Nuccitelli, Stig Ollmar,
Rosa N. Schnyer, San Wan, Peter Wayne, Raimond Wong, Seung-Schik Yoo for their
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